Y cuando todo parece que termina...
es cuando realmente comienza
Nepal cuenta desde ahora con otros tres jóvenes que han finalizado sus estudios de Grado en la Universidad. No sería nada especial si no fuese porque estas tres personas proceden de un orfanato, lugar en el que se criaron y en el que dificilmente se podían imaginar un futuro como que el que finalmente han conseguido.
Para Ruta6 es un orgullo doble:
.- primero y sobre todo, nos sentimos orgullosos de Netra, Basant y Devendra por su trabajo. Confiamos en que formen parte de esa nueva generación que transforme su precioso país en un lugar donde el desarrollo humano y económico vayan de la mano.
.- segundo, nos sentimos orgullosos de todas vosotras, las personas que hacéis posible que jóvenes y niños/as sin recursos, de uno de los países más pobres del mundo, tengan una oportunidad a través de la Educación. En su nombre y en el de Ruta6, GRACIAS
Estas son sus palabras tal cual nos las han hecho llegar.
Date :- 20/01/2018
The Ruta6
Kathmandu, Nepal
Sub:- Thank you latter
I would like to thank you for the support and
help me for my higher education. after I finished my S.L.C. I was very warried
about my study and future. Because I am an orphan and I lost my father and
mother when I was just 9 years old. Then after I lived in Kapilvastu, Bal
Mandir (Branch of Naxal Bal Mandir). after I finished my school level study, I
want to study higher education. At that time you provided me support and help
for my study. Now I am going to complete my bachelor degree study. without your
support this is not possible and You are the only reason behind my sucess. once
again Thank you for making me eligible person. Thank you Ruta6 and Creative
Nepal family.
Your sincerely
Basant Budha
Date :- 20/01/2018
The Ruta6
Kathmandu, Nepal
I would like to
thank you for the support and help you provided to me. After I finished my SLC
I was worried about my higher study. Because I am an orphan and I lost my Dad
and Mom when I was 8 years old, I lived in Kapilvastu Balmandir and completed
my education up to SLC. After SLC I returned to my society but without my
parents and poor economical condition I was thinking of quiting the study. At
that time you provided me support and help . Because of your support today I am
able to complete Graduation in Microbiology. Because of this there are many
doors of opportunities opened for me. Without your help I would have been
nothing. You are the reason behind my success . I would like to thank you from
the inner core of my heart for your love, care and support. Thank you soo much
for making me eligible person . I also like to assure you that I would always
be ready to do anything that I can do to help you.
Yours sincerely
21th January 2018
Ruta 6
I am very pleased to write a letter to whom
I have taken as guardians in my life. I still remember the days where I used to
work all day and late night to complete my +2 level in science. I remember my
past with full of sorrow and struggles. Since after 2012 I am very lucky to get
your parental support through scholarship. I build up my hope and courage to
have better future because of you. I am now an Engineer, because of you.
I am very much thankful for all your
support and care for me. I will never forget in my life. I want to make you
sure that I am always ready for any things to support your scholarship project
for needy boys and girls and children. As being honest, I have tried my best to
support your project in Nepal and I will continue it. Your inspiration and
guidance has made me in this position. I am glad of that. I cannot imagine,
where I will be, how will be my life if I have not you in my life. I still
remember my friends from Balmandir due to lack of opportunities, are forced for
marriage, forced to leave country for labour etc. It is miserable to say that,
without proper guidance and support many of our friends abandon study. At this
moment, I want to thanks god for making my contact with you. Now I am proud to
say, “I am the one”. I feel proud that I am able to become an example for many
of our upcoming generation whose background is like mine. This strength and
power is because of you. I have no words to express my thanks to you. But, from
the inner corner of my heart I want to thanks all of you who support me.
At the end, I want to share my happiness
with you all, for my completion of bachelor degree in Engineering with good
marks. I wish Ruta6 and Creative Nepal will continue this scholarship project
for long last so that many of our brothers and sisters will have similar
opportunities. Thanks a lot. I love all of you.
Netra Prasad Upadhaya